Our Vision
The Lincoln School staff, family, and community will form a partnership to provide a safe, caring, and secure environment where children are given meaningful learning opportunities to develop to their fullest potentials academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.
Our school is unified in working toward this vision. We are committed to ensuring that all students will have equal access to the core curriculum. Our instructional program is based on the State Frameworks of Study and the State Standards and is implemented to students with a developmentally appropriate, integrated, child-centered, meaningful, hands-on teaching style.
Our Goals
The faculty and administration at Lincoln Elementary School work together to meet the following educational goals:
- Students will develop content knowledge/understanding and skills in the areas of language arts, mathematics, science, social science, visual and performing arts, and health. Instructors will teach these subjects through an integrated curriculum.
- Students will become proficient in critical thinking and problem-solving.
- Students will develop positive self-awareness/esteem and respect for the dignity of others as classrooms will take on a community/family atmosphere. Along with the Character Counts program, we implement a cooperative learning style throughout the school.
Character Counts/ Lincoln Lions Roar with P.R.I.D.E
Lincoln Elementary is a Character Counts school. To help our students grow socially and emotionally in a safe learning environment we focus on the pillars of character and help them with behavior expectations by showing them how to Roar with P.R.I.D.E at school.
Character Counts Pillars:
- Trustworthiness
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Fairness
- Caring
- Citizenship
Roar with P.R.I.D.E
- Problem Solve
- Respect
- Integrity
- Determination
- Excellence
State law requires that school-level plans for programs funded through the Consolidated Application be consolidated in a Single Plan for Student Achievement (Education Code Section 64001), developed by school site councils with the advice of any applicable school advisory committees. LEA’s allocate NCLB funds to schools through the Consolidated Application for Title I, Part A, Title III (Limited English Proficient), and Title V (Innovative Programs/Parental Choice). LEA’s may elect to allocate other funds to schools for inclusion in school plans. The content of the school plan includes school goals, activities, and expenditures for improving the academic performance of students to the proficient level and above. The plan delineates the actions that are required for program implementation and serves as the school's guide in evaluating progress toward meeting the goals.
Student Accountability Report Card (SARC)
The purpose of the Student Accountability Report Card (SARC) is to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school. A SARC can be an effective way for a school to report on its progress in achieving goals. The public may also use a SARC to evaluate and compare schools on a variety of indicators. State law requires every school in California to publish a School Accountability Report Card, by February 1 of each year.