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CHOICES After School Program

CHOICES After School Program - Openings Available

We still have openings available in our CHOICES after-school program! If you are interested, please contact CHOICES using the information on the flier OR you can scan the QR code on the sign in front of the school and fill out an online application!

¡Todavía tenemos vacantes disponibles en nuestro programa extracurricular CHOICES! Si está interesado, comuníquese con CHOICES usando la información en el volante O puede escanear el código QR en el letrero frente a la escuela y completar una solicitud en línea.
photo booth winner

Lincoln Back to School Night Success!

Congratulations to our gift card winner from the photo booth at our Back-To-School Night last week! A huge shout out to all families who attended and made it such a success. We at Lincoln appreciate all you do for our students!

Lincoln Elementary Fundraiser

This is a safe and easy way your family can help our school get the essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed. It will also let you know how your child can win fun prizes just for helping!

Thank You for Your Support!
Lincoln School

SSC/ELAC Meeting

Please join us at our upcoming SSC/ELAC meeting
Monday March 21, 2022 3pm via Zoom.
